Spotlighting Jalisa Hardy: Resilience through Every Challenge and Change

As the kids grow taller and the days shorter, we can’t help but notice the passage of time. This September at Single Moms Society, we focus on life transitions and change, and how each of us can prepare and reflect for the upcoming future. Today, we are thankful to share Jalisa Hardy’s motherhood journey and her story of resilience through change. Jalisa is a mother of three children, now ages 4, 3, and 2.

Note: this story contains mentions of domestic abuse. If you are experiencing domestic violence or seeking information, please contact the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 1.800.799.7233.

Jalisa says that her past marriage was never a partnership, although it was difficult to tell at the time. Like many mothers, Jalisa did the bulk of the work in her household, taking on an unequal share. But she explains that because her contributions weren’t financial, she felt the need to accept the situation.

Unfortunately, life at home continued to get worse. Her husband’s behavior escalated, and he became more abusive to the family. Jalisa was forced to make an impossible decision: she filed a protection order against him.

This brought a cascade of changes, namely an extensive divorce process in which she won full custody of their children. Her ex-husband was mandated to pay child support, but never did. So now, it was just Jalisa and her kids. She describes that time as “a journey to [rebuild] our lives and my heart to love again.” Despite what she had already gone through, Jalisa brought on more change and growth. She set out to become the “best version of [herself],” for both herself and the kids.

Jalisa pursued “therapy, inner work, and lots of prayer and faith.” And after much hard work and healing, Jalisa’s life looks much different now. For one, she recently obtained certifications in Human Design and in Trauma of Money. She also hired a virtual assistant to help continue growing her business. Jalisa potty trained her three children. And within the course of one week she imagined, developed, and sold a planner. Clearly, Jalisa not only accepts life’s changes, but springboards across them.

For any parents seeking guidance, Jalisa advises to “take things one day at a time, and release the idea you have to do everything perfectly.” This is great advice, and especially apt for times of change. Whether good or bad, life transitions can be some of the scariest moments because we simply don’t know what to expect. By focusing on the here and now, we can channel our energy toward things we can control. And as we allow room for mistakes, we can move forward rather than remaining trapped by fear.

For those of us struggling with the changes life brings us, or longing to move toward something better, Jalisa’s example and her advice bring hope. Whether we are first learning to build our resilience or seasoned practitioners, we can all hope to learn from her story. As life continues to change, we too will grow alongside. And like Jalisa, may we not only adapt to the future, but make it our own.

“Despite what I have gone through I have not allowed anyone or anything to stop me. My origin story is one of a true miracle that had it gone another way, I would not be here today.” We are so thankful Jalisa is here, and that she has shared her story with everyone at Single Moms Society.

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Kim Anthony

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