The Ultimate Spring-Cleaning Tips for Single Moms

Though many of us would love to have organized and spotless homes around the clock, it is not always realistic. With busy schedules and the chaos that life brings, decluttering and organizing often gets pushed off. It takes time and energy to go through our belongings, and for single moms with a lot on their plate, it may seem like a daunting task. However, decluttering and organizing our living spaces does not have to be an overwhelming experience. As we transition from winter to summer, spring is a great time to ease into the mindset and focus on organizing our homes. 

Here are some simple, nifty tips to help you with your spring cleaning. 

  • Queue up some tunes! Listen to some fun music, a cool podcast, or an audio book that is on your list. 
  • Have separate bins ready. Use one bin for garbage, one for items to keep, and one for donations. This will help you stay organized as you’re organizing! 
  • Utilize applications such as Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up, or Poshmark to sell things that are still in good condition to make a little extra cash.
  • Keep it simple and specific. Saying “I’m going to organize my house today” can seem overwhelming, but deciding “I’m going to organize my closet” seems more manageable. Setting unrealistic goals will only lead to disappointment and burnout. Decide what you are realistically going to get done and for how long. 
  • Use a planner. This will help you keep it simple and specific, while also incorporating organization into your life. For example, you can write down “go through closet” from 9-9:45am on Saturday. Even if you don’t get through your entire closet, you still got some organizing done! Over time, this will help you maintain an organized home.
  • Use the 5-Second Rule. Originally coined by Mel Robbins, this rule pushes us to make decisions within a five second countdown, encouraging us to take action before self-doubt takes over. The idea behind this rule for decluttering is you should know within five seconds if you want to keep something or not. For example, if you can’t remember the last time you wore a pair of pants in five seconds, get rid of it! 

The idea of “spring cleaning” can seem intimidating. However, with these tips and ideas, you can gently ease into the mindset and routine. Remember, no one is perfect. Do what works for you, and focus on what you are able to get done to achieve your organizational goals this spring!

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